Thursday, 16 June 2011

TOUGH Lad of the week: Sean Bean

This series was inspired by a story I read a few minutes ago about an experience that actor Sean Bean had last weekend. You will all know Sean Bean as Boromir from Lord of the Rings, and Eddard Stark from the newish series Game of Thrones (if you haven’t seen either of those, get the fuck off this blog and don't come back until you have watched them). 

Basically, Sean (52) was out in London on Sunday night with his young ride of a girlfriend April, who happens to be 30 years younger than him and a Playboy model.  

Some lad came up and started mouthing off to April, so Sean Bean threw down his gauntlet (I assume he carries it everywhere) and told your man he would batter him. The guy ran off, and Sean went back inside to drink to his victory. A while later however, Sean went out for a smoke and the lad he had vanquished earlier came back, hit him a few times, then stabbed him in the arm with a bottle. The police came and the chap was arrested, so Sean decided to ignore advice to go to the hospital, went back inside and ordered another drink.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but if I was ever in a position where I was considering stabbing Sean Bean, I’d take this into account. I always assume people go off to Hollywood and become softboys, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear that a big time actor can shrug off being stabbed as easily as us common folk. Also, he has a scar from where Harrison Ford once hit him with a boat hook, look it up. 
Fuck James Bond

Tune in next week for your next TOUGH CUNT of the week.

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