Monday, 8 August 2011

Gas Facts About Bananas

In 2001, Britain recorded 300 incidents of injuries related to bananas. The majority of these involved people slipping on banana peels.

If you freeze bananas in the freezer and then puree them in a blender, you get a banana paste with a consistency just like soft-serve ice cream.

If you put bananas in a paper bag instead of a plastic bag, they won't go sweaty but will ripen just as fast.

Bananas emit a gas as they ripen. They go bad slower if you keep them all separate rather than in a bunch. 

If you have your stomach revolted after a hangover, eating a banana can help you settle down.

Creationists often argue the perfect fit of a banana for a human's hand as proof that God exists.

Fried bananas are a very popular delicacy in Kenya.

The insides of banana peels are very useful for various things, ranging from leather polish and houseplant cleaning to healing ointment for cuts and warts.

About 50 percent of people who are allergic to latex are often also allergic to bananas.

The average American consumes over 28 pounds of bananas each year.

Everyone loves bananers!

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