Hats have gone way too far nowadays. I'm not even talking about high end fashion Paris hats that are all mental and really abstract. I'm talking about the idea of the common hat taken and twisted to a horrible vision of its former self. Basically, could everyone who constantly wears one go fuck themselves? I don't really have a problem with people wearing one if its raining, or windy out and they want to protect their hair, or if they were born without the top of their head somehow and need some kind of horrific plastic dome hat to stay alive. I hate that kind of prick who walks around basically swaying their huge spa head with their hat they bought for a ridiculous price and pride themselves on how trendy they think they look, with their hat they identify themselves through. Why you gotta be like that, bro?
The antichrist of wearing hats and has me raging the most seems to be Bruno Mars. It used to be that prick who was the singer of that band Orson, but thankfully he seems to have gone and horribly died somewhere. Anyway, Bruno Mars is a massive thick, for the simple reason he has a perfectly good head of hair to identify himself with - why does he need to wear that stupid faux-sophisticated fedora - is it to prove something? Who the fuck does he think he is? I can safely say if I ever ran into him, i'd definitely thump the neck off him.
As you can see below, i've constructed a diagram of Bruno Mars in a ridiculous rainbow wig, which despite being by nature an item a clown wears to obtain lol's from small children he actually looks like LESS of a spa in that than his trademark hat of choice. I submit i've made my case quite clearly. Fuck hats.
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